Vision Screening
In 1925, Helen Keller challenged Lions to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness” and we accepted. Today, sight programs remain one of Lions defining causes.
For nearly 100 years, Lions members have worked on projects designed to prevent blindness, restore eyesight and improve eye health and eye care for hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Lions volunteer to take part in sight projects. Our district, 4 C-1, is utilizing “The Spot” for eye screening.
The vision screening camera utilizes an infrared camera that combines auto-refraction and video-retinoscopy. From one meter (just over a yard) away, the camera is used to take a digital photograph. The information acquired is used to automatically assess a person's vision in as little as five seconds.
THe Lions of District 4-C1 screen over 7,500 people annually. This includes children in most of the elementary schools in the North State as well as homeless and other adults. The measuring principle is based on photo-retinoscopy. Infrared light is projected through the pupils onto the retina. Depending on the refractive error, the reflected light forms a specific brightness pattern within the pupil.
What is screened for?
This highly advanced camera screens for the following refractive errors and gaze analysis:
Astigmatism: irregularly shaped corneas or lenses
Myopia: nearsightedness
Hyperopia: farsightedness
Anisometropia: differences between the two eye
Strabismus: misalignment of the eyes
Amblyopia: lazy eye
Anisocoria:pupil size anomalies
Click Below for Downloadable Vision Screening Forms:
In the event of questions or the need of further information regarding this program, please contact:
Sight Preservation Chair
Lion Helen Garr
2350 Nebula St. Redding, CA, 96002
530 722-0715
Cell 530 410-4350
Medical Advisor:
Dr. Donald Rhodes, OD
3753 Churn Creek Road Redding, Ca, 96002
530 222-2500

"Never bend your head. Always hold it high.
Look the world straight in the eye."
-Helen Keller