In 1990, Lions established SightFirst, a $143.5 million global initiative to fight the major causes of preventable and reversible blindness. The unprecedented program joins Lions volunteers with blindness prevention experts and organizations and governments.
SightFirst has:
provided more than 7.6 million cataract surgeries
built or expanded 300 eye hospitals
supported more than 131 million treatments to prevent river blindness
improved eye care in 102 countries around the world.
Lions clubs support other sight-related activities. Lions clubs and members:
provide 600,000 free professional glaucoma screenings and make 25,000 corneal transplants possible each year
establish and support a majority of the world’s eye banks, hundreds of clinics, hospitals and eye research centers worldwide
collect more than 6 million pairs of used eyeglasses annually for free distribution to those in need in developing countries
offer screenings, eyeglasses and sports goggles to athletes through the Special Olympics-Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes Program
provide free quality eye care, eyeglasses, Braille-writers, large print texts, white canes and guide dogs for thousands of people each year.