Lions Eye Bank Week, celebrated the first full week in December, provides a special opportunity for Lions to emphasize the valuable services provided by a Lions eye bank.
Today, Lions clubs support 53 Lions eye banks located in eight countries. To celebrate Lions Eye Bank Week and honor the contributions of Lions in this valuable sight-saving program, clubs are encouraged to:
Tour the eye bank
Invite a speaker from the eye bank to a club or district event
Host or assist with an open house at the eye bank
Organize a donor awareness event
Inform the public of the service provided by the Lions eye bank
Organize a fundraiser for their local eye bank
Address: 2593 Kerner Blvd, San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: (415) 455-9000
"Self -pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it,
we can never do anything wise in the world"
-Helen Keller