The City of Hope National Medical Center and Beckman Research Institute is a nationally known multi-specialty hospital and research institution located in Duarte, California.
The Medical Center provides innovative health care to men, women and children with life-threatening illness, including cancer, AIDS, diabetes, respiratory and neurological disorders. Research is directed at new discoveries in genetics, biology, immunology and brain and nerve functions.
The LIONS WALL at the City of Hope recognizes the ongoing efforts of Lions Clubs of Multiple District Four to surmount cancer. A $300 donation qualifies clubs at the COMPASSION level: a tile honoring the president is awarded on Lions Day. An additional gift of $400 signifies the club’s commitment of SERVICE, entitling the club to receive a banner patch with year-tab.
The LIFE SUSTAINER PROGRAM recognizes individual affirmation in the City Of Hope’s humanitarian philosophies, with a $500 donation from individuals or club’s, recognition is awarded to Lions living or deceased. Each Life Sustainer receives an engraved walnut plaque, club banner nameplate and a distinctive lapel pin.

"College isn't a place to go for ideas."
-Helen Keller