Lions Project for Canine Companions for Independence is dedicated to supporting the mission of Canine Companions for Independence. Canine Companions serves the needs of people with disabilities by providing trained service, hearing and social dogs and by providing continuing support to ensure the success of the program. Lions actively support LPCCI with sponsorships and fundraising events, with Club and Life memberships and special donations. Lions also provide invaluable support as volunteers and breeder caretakers, and by raising puppies that become Canine Companions. Through financial support and volunteer work is helping people with disabilities overcome physical and social barriers with the skills and unconditional love of Canine Companions.

District 4-C1 Canine Companion Contact
Lion Cindi Fitzgerald
(530) 742-6387
Loma Rica Foothill Lions

Make and donation today!
Your contribution of any denomination can change a persons life.
Make Checks payable to:
Lions Clubs for Canine Companions
Mail to: 5434 North Ridge
Marysville, Ca 95901
"What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me."
-Helen Keller